
  Oxidative stress 與男性不孕的關係
  HOX基因在胚胎著床上, 所扮演的角色
受孕窗口的新觀念(Fertile Window)
  施行試管嬰兒技術時,第五天的囊胚(blastocyst stage)單顆植入的成功率較高

Oxidative stress 與男性不孕的關係
........ 精液的高度Oxidative stress, 與男性不孕有極大的關係, Reactive oxygen species(ROS)(註c), 在精子的生理功能上居很重要的角色, 但是如果ROS升高太多, 將嚴重影響精子的受孕能力. ........
  在一項以167位不孕男性及19位正常對照組的研究理, 就精子的濃度, 活動性, 形狀, 精液ROS, total antioxidant capacity(TAC)(註d), Endtz test(註b), 的數據統計分析(註a),得到一個結論: 無論是以內科療法或外科療法來治療男性不孕, 如何降低Oxidative stress是一個很重要的策略.  
........ a:Result(s) ........
  Fifteen patients (9.0%) were Endtz positive and 152 (91.0%) Endtz negative. Sperm concentration, motility, and morphology were significantly reduced in all groups compared with the controls (P = .02), except in varicocele associated with infection group. Mean (±SD) ROS levels in patient groups ranged from 2.2 ± 0.13 to 3.2 ± 0.35, significantly higher than controls (1.3 ± 0.3; P<.005). Patient groups had a significantly lower mean (±SD) TAC from 1014.75 ± 79.22 to 1173.05 ± 58.07 than controls (1653 ± 115.28, P<.001), except in the vasectomy reversal group (1532.02 ± 74.24). Sperm concentration was negatively correlated with ROS both overall and within all groups (P=.007), with the exception of idiopathic infertility.  

b:Myeloperoxidase (Endtz test) for white blood cell measurement
The presence of white blood cells (WBC), especially the granulocytes in semen specimens was assessed by the Endtz test (myeloperoxidase) . A 20-uL volume of liquefied specimen was placed in a Corning 2.0-mL cryogenic vial (Corning Costar Corp., Cambridge, MA): 20 uL of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.0) and 40 uL of benzidine solution were added. The mixture was vortexed and allowed to sit for 5 minutes. Five microliters of the specimen was placed on a Makler chamber (Sefi Medical, Haifa, Israel) and counted in all 100 squares. Peroxidase positive WBCs staining dark brown were counted. The results, after correction for dilution, were recorded as counts into 106/mL. Leukocytospermia was defined as the presence of at least 1 × 106 WBC/mL. In our study, we included both patients with and without leukocytospermia.

c:Reactive oxygen species
Aliquots of liquefied semen were centrifuged at 300 × g for 7 minutes. Seminal plasma was aliquoted and frozen at -20°C for later measurement of total antioxidant levels. The sperm pellet was washed twice with (PBS), pH 7.4, and resuspended in the same medium at a concentration of 20 × 106 sperm/mL. The ROS production was measured by the chemiluminescence assay method using luminol (5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-phthalazinedione; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) as the probe . Ten microliters of 5 mM luminol prepared in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; Sigma Chemical Co.) was added to 400 uL of the washed sperm suspension. The ROS levels were determined by measuring chemiluminescence with a luminometer (LKB 953, Wallac Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) in the integrated mode for 15 minutes, and results were expressed as 104 counted photons per minute (cpm) per 20 × 106 sperm.

d:Total antioxidant capacity
Total antioxidant capacity was measured in seminal plasma with use of the enhanced chemiluminescence assay . Aliquots of the seminal plasma stored at -20°C were thawed at room temperature and immediately assessed for their antioxidant capacity as follows. Seminal plasma was diluted 1:10 with deionized water (dH2O) and filtered through a 0.20-um Millipore filter (Allegiance Healthcare Corporation, McGaw Park, IL). Signal reagent was prepared with a chemiluminescence kit (Amersham Life Science, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom). Twenty microliters of horseradish peroxidase-linked immunoglobulin (HRP-linked Ig; Amersham Life Science) was added to 4.98 mL of dH2O. This was further diluted 1:1 to give a working solution with the desired luminescence output (3 × 107 cpm). Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid), a water-soluble tocopherol analogue, was added as the standard at concentrations between 50 and 150 uM.

With the luminometer set in the kinetic mode, 100 uL of signal reagent and 100 uL of HRP were added to 700 uL of dH2O and mixed. The solution was then equilibrated to the desired level of chemiluminescence output (between 2 and 3 × 107 cpm) for 100 seconds. One hundred microliters of the prepared seminal plasma was added to the signal reagent and HRP, and the chemiluminescence was measured. Suppression of chemiluminescence and the time from the addition of seminal plasma to 10% recovery of the initial chemiluminescence were recorded. Antioxidant capacity was expressed as molar Trolox equivalents.

from Fertility and Sterility 73:459-464, March 2000J

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........ 子宮內膜異位症是如何導致不孕, 事實上還不很清楚, 但是有一項研究顯示, 即使是很輕微的子宮內膜異位症, 其腦下垂體-卵巢間已經有顯著的功能失調(pituitary-ovarian dysfunction), 這包括: ........
*impaired follicular growth  
*reduction in circulating estradiol concentraion during preovulatory phase  
*reduction in circulating estradiol and progesterone concentraion during early luteal phase  
*disturbed luteinzing hormone (LH) surge pattern  
*reduction in LH concentraion in pre-ovulatory follicular fluid  
*impaired granulosa cells steroidogenic capacity  
  另外在實際的臨床統計上, 尤其是 IVF的統計, 子宮內膜異位症的病人, 其oocyte的fertilization rate 及 embryo implatation rate 都顯著的比非子宮內膜異位症者低. 這也在在顯示impaired follicular growth and LH surge 是主要的導因, 但是, 為何子宮內膜異位症的病人, 會pituitary-ovarian dysfunction, 那又不得而知了.  

from Humen Reproducion Update, 6: 56-66, January 2000


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HOX基因在胚胎著床上, 所扮演的角色
........ HOX基因在胚胎發育時期, 對組織的辨識擔任很重要的transcriptional regulator. 尤其在Mullerian system的成長擔負著極大的角色, 甚至表現至成熟的子宮.在調節子宮內膜的週期性變化中, 有兩個HOX基因肩負著很重要的regulator. 特別在子宮內膜是否接受一個胚胎的著床時, 居決定的作用, 換句話說, HOX基因在胚胎著床上, 扮演著很重要的角色. ........

from Human Reproduction Update 6:75-79, January 2000


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Sildenafil (Viagra威而剛)可以增加子宮內膜的厚度進而提高受孕率
........   子宮內膜的厚度與子宮動脈的血流量有很大的關係,而較理想的子宮內膜厚度能提高受孕率已是不爭的事實,因此, 各種可以增加動脈血流量的方法,一一的被拿出來研究, Sildenafil citrate (Viagra)就是其中之一.至於Viagra(威而剛)的詳細說明, 請參考: http://www.lai-obs.com/page7.htm#2 ........
  Sildenafil citrate (Viagra)的藥理作用  
    Sildenafil citrate是一種 type 5-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 置放於陰道內的Viagra能抑制cyclic guanosine monophosphate(簡稱cGMP) 的分解, 這個作用可以強化Nitric oxide(NO),使子宮動脈的平滑肌鬆弛, 進而增加子宮動脈的血流量.  
    以Viagra陰道塞劑來治療IVF-ET的不孕婦女, 在治療過程中, 並測其子宮動脈的博動指數(uterine artery pulsatility index PI) , 治療7天, PI就已明顯下降(表示子宮動脈的血流量已增加), 接著以placebo 7天, 則PI又回復了.如果以Viagra及oestradiol valerate的混合塞劑,則明顯的增加了子宮動脈的血流量及顯著的子宮內膜成長.四個接受治療的不孕婦女, 結果有三個懷孕了.  
    研究的數據雖然還不夠, 但這種理論應可以接受, 因此以Viagra陰道塞劑來治療不孕, 尤其對子宮內膜狀況不良的婦女, 應該深具價值.  

from Human Reproduction 15: 806-809, April 2000


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受孕窗口的新觀念(Fertile Window)
........ 前言 ........
以前的觀念認為一個正常月經週期的婦女, 她的受孕期應該界於週期的第10-17天之間, 即所謂的受孕窗口(Fertile Window), 而且排卵之後的2-3天仍會受孕,但是最近的一項研究推翻了這個觀念.
BMJ 2000;321:1259-1262.:Dr. Allen J. Wilcox and colleagues, from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, in Durham, North Carolina,
這個研究是以213位婦女為對象, 一共做出696週期的統計. 並以estrone-3-glucuronide 對 pregnanediol-3-glucoronide的比值來判斷排卵日, 
1.人類女性的Fertile Window其實很不一致, 真正在10-17天之間排卵的大約只佔30%, 如果是青春少女及停經期之前的婦女, 其不規則性更是明顯.
2.以前的觀念是排卵之後2-3天仍有受孕的可能, 但這個研究認為Fertile Window在排卵當天就關了.

from BMJ 2000;321:1259-1262.


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嚴重憂鬱下的婦女,其濾泡期的雌激素明顯降低(Serum Estradiol Levels Reduced During Follicular Phase in Depressed Women)
........ 前言 ........
強烈憂鬱下的婦女, 常會出現經期不規則或機能性子宮出血, 究其原因, 應是下視丘-腦下垂體-卵巢(hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis)間的聯繫因憂鬱而發生了問題, 但其作用機轉則仍然不很清楚, 因此一些針對這方面的研究, 正陸續地進行.
Dr. Elizabeth A. Young and associates, University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor
以25位具 major depression的育齡婦女為研究對象, 並以另外25位沒有major depression的婦女為對照組. 定量她們follicular phase(濾泡期), 及luteal phase(黃體期)血液中的estradiol, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone, 及progesterone的數值並加以研究分析.
1.濾泡期的estradiol, 在研究組明顯的比對照組為低.
2.濾泡期的LH, 其半衰期明顯的縮短.
3.其他數據包括濾泡期及黃體期的FSH, Progesterone則沒有不同.
因為濾泡期的estradiol的降低及LH半衰期的縮短, 可以推測濾泡的成長顯然受到影響, 導致沒排卵或卵子的成熟度不夠, 引發月經週期的改變及不正常的子宮內膜所引起的機能性子宮出血.

from:Arch Gen Psychiatry 2000;57:1157-1164.


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Frishman GN, Hackett RJ, McGrath M, Metheny WP
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;185:392-395
一項以試管嬰兒技術(IVF-ET)而懷孕的統計, 並針對血液HCG( human chorionic gonadotropin絨毛膜素)的數值作分析, 結果發現: 如果取卵後第13天的HCG值低於 20 mIU/mL , 而且之後48小時的第二次HCG值上升在66%以下時, 其初期(第6週)的流產率將顯著的增加[odds ratio: 5.7 (95% CI, 2.6-12.4)] , 第8週的流產率雖然仍然略為增高, 但已沒明顯的差異 [odds ratio: 2.5(95% CI, 0.7-8.5)].  第13週之後, 則已完全沒差別( 流產率降至1% 以下)
Low initial serum HCG level was associated with increased early spontaneous miscarriage rate; however, if the pregnancy progressed beyond the first trimester, there was no longer an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. J

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    Sher G, Fisch JD
Fertility & Sterility. 2002;78(5):1073-1076
November 2002 (Volume 78, Number 5)
    以105位曾經施行試管嬰兒人工協助生殖技術兩次以上都失敗, 而且在施打HCG當天的子宮內膜厚度都在9mm以下的婦女為研究對象,  
    To be continued  


施行試管嬰兒技術時,第五天的囊胚(blastocyst stage)單顆植入的成功率較高
     Dr. Papanikolaou
  March 16 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
    以351位年齡小於36歲的不孕婦女為對象, 在施行試管嬰兒技術的治療時, 以培養至第五天的囊胚(blastocyst stage)單顆植入, 及以培養至第三天的胚胎(hree-day-old embryo)單顆植入的兩組作分析比較.
    以培養至第五天的囊胚(blastocyst stage)單顆植入的懷孕成功率為33%, 比以培養至第三天的胚胎(hree-day-old embryo)單顆植入的22%為高.

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